Monday, January 22, 2018

Half Alive

Man I am half alive ... I am staying here another one so that’s cool. We weren’t able to find anyone this week. I’ve been way too sick. The weather here sucks right now... it’s like snowing ice it’s the worst. Everything is shutting down. People here don’t know how to deal with the cold... it’s 28 degrees right now. 

Last Monday wasn’t too great. Nothing really happened. Just the same old same old pday. Kinda boring if you ask me. 

Wednesday night is when it began... we were playing indoor soccer and there was this metal fixture thing right next to the ball. The ball was covering it so I couldn’t see.. I kicked as hard as I could and bam there goes my foot. It hurt sooo bad! I played a little longer before the pain really set in. That night I couldn’t sleep at all. The pain was next to dislocating my knee, of which I am far too familiar with. So when I woke up I called our nurse and told her about it. We set up a doctors appointment for 4 o clock. 

Waiting for the doctor was the worst! That’s when the flu symptoms started to settle in... I started loosing all of my energy and was really light headed and freezing. Finally 4 came and we headed to Kingwood. On the drive I got a really bad fever. We got there and I had an x ray and everything. After that we drove to presidents house and he got us dinner. I was laying on his couch freezing cold and he brought me a new blanket and tucked me in hahahahaha  it was hilarious! He said, "you’re just like one of my little boys!” It was super funny. We left and that’s when I called you guys. We went to the pharmacy but there was a problem where they put the wrong date of birth so it took forever to get my meds. Once I got home I popped some pills and knocked out. We didn’t get home till 9. 

Friday I woke up with some pain still but most of my flu symptoms where gone. Some was still there but not much. I was supper groggy all day and had 0 energy. We just chilled and rested. Didn’t go to district meeting because of it. My foot still hurt though. Couldn’t walk still. An Elder brought me crutches though so that was cool. And you guys already know I’m a crutch pro so that made things easy. 

Saturday I felt so much better. We went to the doctor again and I was in and out in 5 min. The swelling and everything miraculously went down and I was fine enough to hobble around. 

Sunday was good. Carmen’s daughter came to church so that was super good. Other than that though not much happened.

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